Driven by 100Gbps in long-haul as well as in datacenter applications, photonic integration is picking up increasing momentum as it is becoming an indispensible part of those solutions. Purpose of the workshop is to create a one-stop-shop for everyone interested in photonic integration as it brings together all the key players offering solutions, whether foundries, simulation software, packaging, or turn-key solutions. A specific emphasis is on multi-project wafer shuttles (MPW) plus the accompanying Process Design Kits (PDK) as this provides an important toolkit to reduce the cost for developing a new chip.
The workshop will provide the audience with a good overall picture of the state-of-art in PICs as well as how to take advantage of existing suppliers to save time and cost. The workshop is free of charge, but does require advance registration. Food and drinks will be provided and there will be plenty of time to network with the sponsor companies.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The workshop will be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2015, from 6 pm to 9 pm, in conjunction with OFC at Los Angeles Convention Center in Room #502A.
5:45 PM – 6:00 PM: Badge Handout
6:00 PM – 6:10 PM: Welcome and Introduction
6:10 PM – 7:00 PM: Presentation on “Taking Advantage of Merchant Suppliers to Create Your PIC Products Faster and Cheaper” (Speaker: Twan Korthorst, CEO, PhoeniX )
7:00 PM – 7:10 PM: Question & Answer Session
7:10 PM – 8:00 PM: Networking Break with Buffet and Sponsor Tabletops
8:00 PM – 8:10 PM: Update by the OIDA on the Integrated Photonics Initiative
8:10 PM – 8:55 PM: Use Case Presentations by Chris Doerr from Acacia, Pim Kat from Technobis, Chris Roeloffzen from Satrax, Henk Bulthuis from Kaiam
8:55 PM – 9:00 PM: Closing
The individual presentations can be downloaded by clicking on the link indicated by the highlighted text. Download a zip file (24 MB) of all Workshop presentations here.
For any questions about the PIC workshop, please contact Isobel Hoevers at or (917) 833-3589.”

Pim Kat (CEO Technobis) started his career at Sun Electric systems in 1982, developing automotive testing equipment. In 1987 he moved to Hoogovens research where he worked as researcher for 9 years. In the 1996 he co-founded the company BIHCA Systems as part of the HIT group. In 2003 this company became Technobis and eventually Technobis group in 2006. (
Chris Roeloffzen received his MSc degree in physics from the University of Twente in 1998 and his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2002. In 2002 he became assistant professor in the Telecommunication Engineering Group, where he was involved with research and education on integrated microwave photonic systems. In 2009 he founded of the company SATRAX, a spin-off of the University of Twente. SATRAX provides integrated optical beam forming modules for antenna systems to enable the growing need for bandwidth and capacity in telecommunication. He now is CTO within SATRAX.
SATRAX aims to become a global leader in providing integrated microwave photonic beamforming networks for antenna systems using the benefits of TriPleX™ waveguide technology to satisfy the growing need for bandwidth and capacity in telecommunication. SATRAX proprietary beamforming technology is based on integrated optics and replaces the electronic-based technology for the key element of phased array antennas. SATRAX has the opportunity to provide photonics based modules to OEMs in a suite of applications, including broadband integrated optical beamforming modules for flat tunable directional antennas, in particular Ku or Ka-band satcom and next generation 5G base stations. SATRAX also addresses the market of components for optical-fiber infrastructure which enable high dynamic range analog photonic links with higher bandwidth, combined with lower energy consumption, smaller size and lower weight. (
Henk Bulthuis received his MSc in 1994 from Johns Hopkins University in the USA. He received his PhD from Universiteit Twente in the Netherlands. He has been designing PLCs since 1997. He is current a design team leader at Kaiam. Kaiam has developed high-bandwidth transceivers to provide single-mode solutions to the data center. Within the past six months, the company has grown, ramping its captive manufacturing facility in Livingston, UK where high volume TOSA, ROSA and PLCs (Planar Lightwave Circuits) are fabricated, and its Newark, California facility that produces 40Gb/s QSFPs and is also the corporate Rx center. (
Christopher R Doerr has 2 BS’s, a MS, and a PhD from MIT. He worked at Bell Laboratories for 17 years on integrated optics. He is currently Director of Integrated Photonics at Acacia Communications. Paragraph on Acacia: Acacia Communications builds leading-edge high performance 100G+ transceivers. The headquarters is in Maynard, MA with a satellite office in Hazlet, NJ that specializes in silicon photonics. (
Inigo Artundo (CEO): Obtained the M.Sc. in Telecom Engineering at the Universidad Publica de Navarra (Pamplona, Spain) in 2005, and received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics and Photonics at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium) in 2009. He has been involved in several national and European research projects and networks of excellence focused on reconfigurable optical interconnects, the design, fabrication and characterization of micro-optic devices, and on flexible access and in-building fiber network architectures. He has worked as a reviewer for several scientific journals and national funding agencies. He holds specializations in Business Financing, Commercial Management and Research, and Strategic Marketing. He is a member of IEEE, SPIE and COIT. (
Ronald Broeke received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, on the design, fabrication and characterization of photonics integrated circuits (PIC) for WDM networks. He continued his research at the University of California at Davis on applications like optical cdma and arbitrary waveform generation. This was followed by several years at ASML, engaging in hands-on project management and business intelligence systems. He decided to combine his experiences and founded Bright Photonics B.V. – a PIC design house – to join photonics as the key enabling technology for innovation in this decade. In this light, he takes part in the main European projects that lay the foundation for the foundry model for photonic ICs, such has EuroPIC and PARADIGM, and photonics in data centers, PHOXTROT. (
Joris Van Campenhout is currently program director of the Optical I/O industry-affiliation program at imec (Belgium), which targets the development of a scalable and industrially viable optical-interconnect technology based on Si photonics. Prior to joining imec, he was a post-doc at IBM’s TJ Watson Research Center (USA), where he developed silicon electro-optic switches for chip-level reconfigurable optical networks. He obtained a PhD degree from Ghent University (Belgium) in 2007, for his work on hybrid integration of electrically driven microdisk lasers on Si-photonic waveguide circuits. Joris is a member of IEEE and OSA. (
Dr. Timo Aalto has worked at VTT since 1997 with silicon photonics as his main research topic. He received M.Sc. and D.Sc. degrees in optoelectronics technology from the Helsinki University of Technology in 1998 and 2004, respectively. Presently he leads VTT’s Photonics Integration team, which operates the two main clean room facilities of VTT Ltd. in Espoo and Oulu. The team is developing silicon and polymer waveguide circuits, hybrid integration of optoelectronics, and photonics packaging. He has >50 journal, conference and workshop publications. His invited contributions include the review of projects, theses and publications, many presentations and writing a book chapter. (
Chris Cone has been doing Technical Marketing in Mentor Graphicís Custom IC Design group for over 8 years. Prior to joining Mentor, Chris did full custom design work on ICs adhering to a number of physical interface standards including USB, 1394 and Spacewire(LVDS). Chris Cone earned his BSEE and MSEE with emphasis in microelectronics design at the University of New Mexico. (
Norbert Grote is the Deputy head of Photonic Components department at Fraunhofer HHI. He has more than 30 years of expertise in III-V technology and devices. He also serves as a Technical Management Team member of InP PIC EU-projects EuroPIC and PARADIGM. He has experience with both industrial and public R&D contract. He chaired the 22nd IPRM conference in 2011. (
Tom Hausken has joined OSA in 2012. Dr. Hausken has over 30 years in the industry, including market research at Strategies Unlimited, telecom policy at the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, R&D and production positions at Alcatel and Texas Instruments, and an earlier position at OIDA. He has a PhD from the University of California at Santa Barbara. (
Twan Korthorst as the CEO of PhoeniX Software Twan Korthorst looks back on an active career in the field of micro and nano technology. During the final stage of his Masters in Electrical Engineering at the University of Twente, he co-founded the Microflown Team, developing world’s first particle velocity microphone. In 1996 he started as product engineer at Twente Microproducts (TMP). A milestone was the step of being in charge as the quality manager for the first implementation of ISO 9001 at a MEMS corporation within Europe. After the acquisition of TMP by Kymata, a Scottish based data communications solutions provider based on integrated optics, he occupied the post of Director Operations at Kymata Netherlands (later Alcatel Optronics Netherlands). After his position as Manager Operations at DEMCON Advanced Mechatronics, Twan joined PhoeniX Software in August 2007. (
Katarzyna Lawniczuk was awarded a joint Ph.D. degree from Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, and Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, in 2014. Her research focused on Indium Phosphide-based multiwavelength lasers and photonic integrated transmitters for application in optical access networks and fast interconnects.Katarzyna has been the coordinator of JePPIX at the Photonic Integration Group at Eindhoven University of Technology since 2013. (
Dan Neugroschl received the M.S. degree in materials science from Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. He is currently the President of Chiral Photonics., Pine Brook, NJ, USA, which he cofounded in 1999. (
Dr. James Pond is the CTO and a founder of Lumerical Solutions and is a driving force behind the company’s core software technology, particularly its advanced electromagnetic modeling capabilities. He has research experience in a wide range of fields from magnetism to integrated optics and photonics and is the author of numerous papers, patents and conference presentations. (
Richard Visser (CEO and co-founder SMART Photonics B.V.) Richard Visser has a background in electronics and started his career in 1981 working as a engineer in aviation and later medical equipment. After 10 years he moved on into a technical-commercial position in the coding industry and entered the Semiconductor industry in 1997 as Account Manager in Europe for Silicon Valley Group, a USA based equipment supplier of Litho-, Track- and Furnace systems. In 2001 the company with acquired by ASML and Richard became Major Account Manager. In 2007 he moved to Philips Research and was involved in setting-up MiPlaza that was later incorporated in Philips Innovation Services. (
James Walker -President and Founder – JayWalker Technical Consulting, LLC. Mr. Walker has 30+ years of experience in microsystems, optics, and photonics technology. He spent 16 years as a research scientist and research manager at Bell Laboratories, and 2 years as Director of Advanced Technologies at Tellium, Inc. He holds 58 US Patents, has authored over 100 journal articles and conference papers, chaired several international technical conferences, served on multiple program committees, and presented numerous invited papers around the world.
JayWalker Technical Consulting is the North American technical and sales representative for LioniX, BV, of the Netherlands, providing a local interface for current and prospective clients in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Mr. Walker received the BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1984 and 1989, respectively, from Rutgers University, in New Brunswick, New Jersey. He became a member of the United States Patent Bar in 2003 and is a registered patent agent with the firm of Kaplan BreyerSchwarz & Ottesen, LLP, in Matawan, New Jersey. (

ePixFab is a European alliance bringing silicon photonics closer to reality. ePIXfab offers multi project wafer runs on advanced photonic IC technologies, optical and electrical packaging and package design, and training. Chip technologies include standardized 220nm SOI based platforms with waveguide devices, modulators and photodiodes supporting 25G type applications at 1550nm and 1310nm, as well as a 3um SOI technology for lower birefringence and easier packaging. For offering these technologies, ePIXfab works with service organizations including Europractice, CMC and MOSIS. Training for designers is run every 6 months, and a special program supports European companies from feasibility studies to proof-of-concept and prototype implementations. (
JePPIX is a broker that helps organizations around the globe to get access to advanced fabrication processes for Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs). JePPIX aims at low-cost development of application specific PICs using a generic foundry model and rapid prototyping via industrial Multi-Project Wafer runs. The generic approach allows a variety of PICs to be realized using the same standardized processes. JePPIX closely collaborates with Europe’s key players in the field of photonic integration, including manufacturing and packaging partners, photonic CAD software partners, R&D labs and photonic IC design houses. With JePPIX you can get access to the Indium Phosphide (InP)-based monolithic integration platforms of Oclaro, Fraunhofer HHI and SMART Photonics and the low-loss dielectric TriPleX waveguide technology of LioniX. JePPIX is hosted by the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. For more information visit our website: (
Fraunhofer HHI The core competencies of Fraunhofer HHI are in the areas of Photonic Networks and Systems, Mobile Broadband Systems, Photonic Components and Electronic Imaging. Within the Fraunhofer mission “to undertake applied research of direct utility to private and public enterprise and of wide benefit to society”, we offer research, development and production services in all our activities to the German and international industry. The activities of the Photonic Components Dept. are focused on the following – mainly InP based- optical components for tele- and datacom, and optical sensing applications. Components such as: Photonic Integrated Circuits, Integrated hybrid InP and Polymer PLC components, THz Components, Discrete devices, DOE and related devices, InP MOVPE; e-beam lithography; process development; & Qualification support. (
SMART Photonics, located in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, is a Pure Play Foundry offering III-V production services for both discrete- as well as integrated- Indium Phosphide based photonic components. We use our knowledge, experience and the dedicated equipment to create and produce the photonic designs of our customers. We offer the complete production process from Epitaxial growth, processing, re-growth and polishing of wafers up to dicing and coating of the sides of the chips. Next to the production support, in either the proof of concept (POC) phase or the full production phase, we also offer single- or combined- process steps to complete, or back-up, the production processes of our customers. (
LioniX is a leading provider in development and small to high volume production of leveraging and innovative products based on micro/nano system technology (MNT) and MEMS. Our core technologies are integrated optics and micro-fluidics. Our customers operate in telecom, industrial process control, life sciences and space markets and include OEM’s, multinationals, VC start-up companies as well as research institutions from around the world. LioniX offers design to manufacturing and horizontal integration by partnering with MEMS/MST foundries and suppliers of complementary technologies, such as in (food) biotech/genomics, chemistry/pharmaceuticals and water technology. The combination of micro-fluidics and their integrated optics technology (TriPleX™) gives LioniX an unrivalled expertise in the emerging area of Lab-on-a-Chip. (
Lumerical-Since its inception in 2003, Lumerical has pioneered breakthrough simulation technologies that help bring new photonic product concepts to life. By empowering research and product development professionals with high performance photonic design software that leverages recent advances in computing technology, Lumerical helps optical designers tackle challenging design goals and meet strict deadlines. Lumerical’s design software solutions have been licensed in more than 40 countries by global technology leaders like Samsung, STMicroelectronics, Huawei, Agilent, Olympus, and Philips, and prominent research institutions including Caltech, Harvard, Max Planck Institute, MIT, NIST, University of Tokyo and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Discover how Lumerical can help you meet your own design objectives. (
Mentor Graphics – Building an EDA Environment for Silicon Photonics: Silicon photonics has a huge potential for signal processing applications ranging from communications to biosensors and opto-MEMS devices. However, the expansion of available photonic components is currently limited by the large amount of engineering effort required to accurately design known reliable components in a system. Mentor Graphics, a leading supplier in the Electronics Design Automation industry, is working to extend the tools and best practices that have enabled the rapid design of high-volume CMOS application-specific integrated circuits to the silicon photonics design community. (
PhoeniX Software, Based on a history going back to 1991, provides an unique mask lay-out, process flow design and simulation environment for the integrated photonics marketplace. Headquartered in Enschede, the Netherlands, PhoeniX Software supports customers around the globe through its subsidiaries and network of sales representatives to improve quality, reduce time to market and enhance research by offering unique and highly integrated software solutions, training and customer support. Customers range from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups, universities and research institutes, active in integrated photonics, microfluidics, MEMS, printed electronics and other micro and nano technologies. Furthermore PhoeniX Software is supporting Multi Project Wafer runs at various foundries with dedicated PDKs for TriPleX, InP and silicon photonics. (
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd engages in applied technology research, transforming its research results into practical solutions. VTT Ltd uses its research and knowledge to provide expert services for its domestic and international customers and partners in both the private and public sector. VTT Ltd is Finland’s biggest applied research organisation and the Nordic countries’ leading research and technology company. As one of the first pioneers in the field, VTT has developed it’s silicon photonics technology since 1997. Its micron-scale SOI technology has been offered through MPW runs (ePIXfab) since 2014. Now the 3 µm SOI platform is expanding from passive and thermo-optic circuits to high-speed active components in close collaboration with industrial customers and partners. (
Bright Photonics B.V. is a design house for photonic integrated circuits (PICs), also referred to as systems on chip (SoC). Our mission is to make PICs accessible to (small) businesses, research institutes and universities in technologies as SoI, InP, Triplex, glass and polymers. Bright Photonics operates as an intermediate company between foundry services and product developers. We are the commercial design partner in the two largest active European projects in the field of integrated photonics. Our strategy is to be your gateway to photonic ICs from application idea to PIC, at the level where you need it: feasibility, layout, access to multi-project wafer runs and/or packaged prototypes. In addition to design services, Bright Photonics can support you with fab-ready design libraries for photonic components such as AWG multiplexers. These are also adaptable to your custom process and needs. Contact Bright Photonics and find out what PICs can do for your product or research. (
VLC Photonics was born as a spin-off company from the Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications Institute (iTEAM) located at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain), where we developed our work in optical systems, photonic signal processing and photonic integrated circuits for more than 20 years. The company is devoted to the design and fabless manufacture of custom photonic integrated circuits, that would allow anyone to access theg advantages of photonic integration without the need of a deep expertise and investment in the field. (
Chiral Photonics (CPI), a New Jersey, US based company founded in 1999, specializes in optoelectronic packaging of integrated photonics. CPI offers its pitch reducing optical fiber arrays, PROFAs, which enable the highest density optical I/Os for both edge and face coupling to photonic ICs. Currently, up to 61 I/O channels can be coupled in a single port. Other services range from single-die optical coupling or optoelectronic package development, including test services, to volume optoelectronic production packaging.Please contact us to obtain our free coupling and packaging design guidelines:
Technobis Fibre Technologies is specialized in the development and supply of fibre optic sensing systems and applications. All developments are spectrometry and or interferometry based. Optical fibre sensors find widespread use for a multitude of applications due to their small size, light weight, inertness to chemical substances, ability to withstand high temperatures and immunity for electromagnetic interference. Subsequently, optical fibre sensors are frequently used for applications such as Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), where the deformation and dynamic response behavior of objects are measured using mounted or even embedded optical fibers to the structure being monitored. All new developments are based on integrated photonics. Application Specific Photonic Integrated Circuits (ASPIC) are optical chips designed for dedicated purposes. Similar to electronics, ASPICs allows a versatility of solutions, all based on a small set of components providing improved performances and reliability. The versatile ability to replace traditional assemblies of multiple discrete optical or micro-optical components by a single small sized chip, make ASPICs highly favorable for next generation optical systems for benefits in cost reduction, functionality aggregation and standardization of specifications and processes. (
OSA/OIDA As of 1 January 2015, the OSA Industry Development Associates brings together OSA’s Optoelectronics Industry Development Association and the OSA Corporate Associates into one operation. With this unification, more than 250 OIDA and OSA corporate members have access to a comprehensive set of benefits that combines the strengths of both programs, providing a more valuable membership experience and the opportunity to be part of a larger and more influential alliance. The new OSA Industry Development Associates will continue to build on the strengths of traditional OIDA programs, providing timely market information, roadmapping, and public policy and government funding activities, in addition to the corporate and technical education, recruitment assistance and networking opportunities that have been the foundation of the OSA Corporate Associates program. Founded in 1916, The Optical Society (OSA) is the leading professional association in optics and photonics, home to accomplished science, engineering, and business leaders from all over the world. Through world-renowned publications, meetings, and membership programs, OSA provides quality information and inspiring interactions that power achievements in the science of light.
EPIC is the industry association that promotes the sustainable development of organisations working in the field of photonics in Europe. We foster a vibrant photonics ecosystem by maintaining a strong network and acting as a catalyst and facilitator for technological and commercial advancement. EPIC publishes market and technology reports, organizes technical workshops and B2B roundtables, coordinates EU funding proposals, advocacy and lobbying, education and training activities, standards and roadmaps, pavilions at exhibitions. (
For more info, please check out the archived earlier photonic integration events. Material for these events has been posted and is available on request.